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Friday 25 January 2013

Self Destruction :(

You're lying on the floor..
So innocent, so peaceful..
Sleeping a serene sleep..
With stricks of incense all around..
And also candles, glow abound..

Invisibly breaking all your promises..
Shattering all our dreams..
A journey to the highways..
Towards the heaven as it seems..

The near and dear ones gather..
Sad faces all around..
Rivals hate it rather..
Than, your presence on the ground..

Family members, crying their hearts off..
Why did you elude us this way?
Your family never loved you..
How can you, even say?

Everything won't be the same again..
We won't see you or your rave..
Finally, the time to bid goodbye..
Funeral marches to the grave.. :-(

(wrote this for a girl..who happened to be my sister..but i couldn't recognize her :-( SHORRY)

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