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Monday, 3 September 2012

In Search Of a Better Place

Ever wondered about those faces, with not so bright future
Without one full meal a day, there is no one for them to nurture......
No money for food, no clothes to dress,
Do they actually belong to our race???
Yet not ashamed of what they do, what they are.......
Not moch coy to beg and live their life,
And even when you have so much, have you ever tried to give?

Perhaps what the almighty made us all, everyone with a stomach,
To fill it up with atleast some food, sometimes people run amuck........
Its all about money, food and clothes, that really does matters......
It makes a dream come true and many a times it shatters...........

I see the rich and aristrocrats, self distruct with a rope,
sometimes in some problems and sometimes losing hope.....
Everything they have got, right from food to clothes and home......
Even then they choose to end their precious lives,
For some pressure and cause, so foolish and sometimes so bovine..........

On the other hand, view their poor condition,
So poverty stricken they are, they have to sleep on the streets.............
still, there always lies a smile, on their optimistic face......
The pain of empty stomachs, A body with no clothes to wear......
still so strong to fake a smile, when they have a home nowhere........

They do have a life, but iots so hurting and painful.....
Moreover people are insolent to them, in this world of rich rule.....
Without caring about their lives, without a bit of shame.....
They beg for food, money and clothes............BEGGARS are their name......

Can't we all come up together and make this world a better place.....
If not caste , creed and sex.... then atleast on the name of human race........
Cant we share our riches euphoria and love with them?
And brighten up their hueless, painfull and lightless days.............

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